Anya Court
Project Details
Anya Court is one of Hallmark’s newest care homes, based in Rugby the provide residential care, nursing care and dementia care.
Anya Court is home to The Juke Box Cafe, where the signage also houses a vinyl record within it. This really makes the sign and the cafe stand out.
We provided both the internal and external signage. The external entrance sign consisted of flat cut lettering. The internal signage included way finding signs, door signs dementia signage and much more. For full details of the signage installed please view the project in brief on the right.
Below are pictures of the signage we installed at Anya Court.
From the sights and sounds of the cinema, through to the smell of fresh coffee and homemade biscuits in the ‘Juke Box Café’ or simply chatting with friends in the landscaped gardens, it’s all about living life to the full within our community of care.

Project In Brief
Client: Hallmark Health Care
Skills: Branding, Signage, Care Home Signage, Design, Manufacture
Signage Installed: